Fan voting has begun for Earmageddon! Earmageddon is an ear project competition put on by body jewelry giant Industrial Strength. I
entered one of my projects and if you find it fancy, you should vote for me! Clicking "like" equals a vote, and also don't forget to "like" the
Industrial Strength page as well, so the vote is valid. :)
Here's a picture of what I entered. It's a four point project with green paua shell and regular paua shell cabochons set in green titanium, all of the jewelry from Industrial Strength.
I can't vote since I don't (Myface, Spacebook or Twitter) but... Passed the info on in my old ways... and got my wife and through her and the phone (& Email links) voted for ya. ;) I guess one of these days I might get a Space book, I had a Myface for a while (because of my buddy Jim (Rose), I just usually "join" every other "new big thing" hitting every other one wastes less time to me. Gonna call you tomorrow.