Here is more of what I've been doing, piercing-wise. I got a nice shot of this nostril I pierced about six months ago with an adorable flower nostril screw from Industrial Strength.

Here's a cool one...the nasallang! It goes through both nostrils and the cartilage of the septum, making it a slow healer but a unique piercing to have. This is the second one of my career.

There has been a surge in people wanting frenulum/smiley piercings. They're pretty fun to do but definitely anatomy dependent! I love how it looks on this lovely lady here. :)

Here are some wonderfully healed lorum and scrotal piercings.

More in genital piercing, here are a set of dydoes I just downsized. They're healing great. I also did his ampallang.

I suppose that's all I have to report for now. New updates coming soon. :)
Awesome work. So excited about Moddities. Hope to come up & see you again soon. :)