Tuesday, April 26, 2011

49. Nape Piercing

Here's a nape piercing I did at two months old. This gentleman takes such wonderful care of his piercings.

Surface piercings aren't the easiest to heal, but when proper placement and aftercare are achieved you could be one of the lucky individuals that can heal it. Inevitably, 98.9% of surface piercing results in migration or rejection. It's important to do your research and understand the pros and cons of surface piercing, and if you've decided that it's right for you, find a piercer who is knowledgeable and experienced in such work. This could essentially prolong the life of your potential piercing. :)

Sunday, April 24, 2011

48. 24 Point Play Piercing

More play piercing action! This time, I did 24 needles on the back of some lovely legs. Miss Ashley did a wonderful job!

Here's the piercings before being laced.

And now, laced!

If play piercing interests you, PM me. I travel all of the time if you're not in the area.